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Tikkun Olam (Social Action & Social Justice)

Tikkun Olam Committee

Congregation Emeth’s Tikkun Olam  Committee participates in and organizes many programs, such as feeding those in need, holding food and clothing drives, and building bridges of friendship and communication with other faith-based organizations in south Santa Clara County. We offer monthly opportunities to get involved a little or a lot. Contact the Tikkun Olam Chair, Jill Irwin, at to learn more.

High Holiday Food Drive

Each High Holiday season, we collect nonperishable food items and monetary donations. The items are then delivered to food pantries in Morgan Hill and Gilroy to provide sustenance for hungry families in our neighborhoods.


Before Chanukah, we participate in the Embrace-A-Family dreidel board gift program organized by Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley. Congregation Emeth members have the opportunity to select one or more dreidel wishes, and fulfill a gift request for a child or adult in need in the Jewish community. You can also choose to buy a Target Gift Card or make a monetary contribution for the gift with a credit or debit card. Contact for more information.

All the details for participating in Embrace a Family 2024 are here, and this year's program is active from November 13 through December 15. Visit our SignUpGenius virtual dreidel board; scan the QR Code on the right, or visit


Every year at Purim, we embrace the holiday concept of giving gifts to those in need. In the past, we’ve collected and assembled Hygiene Bags for the homeless population of Morgan Hill and Gilroy. Do you have an idea of how we can help those in need? Please let us know! 

Back to School Drive

Each summer, we partner with the Edward “Boss” Prado Foundation to collect school supplies, underwear, and socks for all age students in Morgan Hill and Gilroy.

Creek Cleanup 

Congregation Emeth has adopted a section of the Madrone Channel! On a Sunday morning in both the spring and fall, we gather at our section, munch on donuts, grab all of the supplied equipment, and pick up trash along the trail. It is literally healing our world, one piece of trash at a time!

Morgan Hill Stands United Against Hate

Have you seen these posters around town? This campaign was originated by members of our Tikkun Olam committee! It is now an expanding, on-going effort to create compassionate communities in South County. We work all year to create a variety of events to promote the concept that we are more alike than different. 

Interfaith Clergy Alliance of South County & Interfaith Community of South County (ICSC)

parade 2016Inspired by Rabbi Israel's leadership in developing an interfaith service led by sixteen local clergy, held on Martin Luther King Day 2016, and by the subsequent formation of the "Interfaith Clergy Alliance of South County", Congregation Emeth has taken the lead in launching the "Interfaith Community of South County" (ICSC). This lay interfaith group is committed to creating compassionate communities through social,  service, and educational programs. The group is sponsoring a series of educational programs, called "Faith of Our Neighbors," In addition, the group celebrates American holidays together; the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, and Memorial day.

Safe Park

A project that Emeth volunteers are involved in is “Safe Park”, a service coordinated through the Morgan Hill Police, City of Morgan Hill, the Gilroy Compassion Center, and local faith based organizations. It provides a safe place for homeless people to park while they are looking for housing. The Interfaith CommUNITY of South County provides Friday dinners to the families throughout the year, with their member organizations (like Emeth) each selecting a turn. If you would like to partner with another Emeth family to provide a simple dinner, please contact


To learn more, contact Jill Irwin at Also let us know if you have suggestions for projects, would like to join the committee, or want to volunteer for any of the programs above. There are opportunities to help heal our world by volunteering for a little or a lot!

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785