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Get Involved

Volunteering is a satisfying way to engage in our community, to establish a meaningful connection with Emeth and with fellow members, and to meet a vital need. 


Please contact to learn more about any of the following tasks or to volunteer. You can also contact the committee chair directly.

Support Education Programming and Youth Activities:  Help our kids develop.

  1. Join Education Committee.
  2. Help with Family Shabbat Dinners.
  3. Substitute teach:
    1. Hebrew School
    2. Religious School
  4. Help with Kids' Purim Carnival.
  5. Help with Chanukah Party.


Communications: Utilize special skills and develop new ones.

  1. Join Communications Committee.
  2. Write or edit Kol Emeth (newsletter) articles.
  3. Develop or edit Brochures.
  4. Write articles for the newspaper.
  5. Take photos for Kol Emeth and our website.
  6. Provide content to Facebook and/or other social media.
  7. Provide technical consultation to our Administrator as needed.


Sisterhood: Enjoy the camaraderie of other women while supporting Emeth in many ways.

  1. Join Sisterhood.
  2. Help with Mah Jongg tournament.
  3. Through Rachamim, reach out to shut-ins and support members in need.
  4. Help with Sisterhood Passover Seder.
  5. Help with Rosh Hashanah Oneg.


Membership: For those who are warm and welcoming.

  1. Help with summer ice cream social.
  2. Mentor a new Emeth family.
  3. Invite a prospective family for coffee or a meal.


Ways & Means / Fundraising: Put  ideas to work and help our money grow.

  1. Join Ways & Means Committee.
  2. Promote and engage members in Amazon Smile program.
  3. Help with Wine Tasting fundraiser (spring or fall annually).
  4. Help with one-time fundraising events.
  5. Share your fundraising ideas and help implement them.


Tikkun Olam (Social Action & Social Justice): Help those in need in our broader community. 
Chair: Jill Irwin

  1. Join Tikkun Olam Committee.
  2. Participate in current Tikkun Olam programs (check with committee).
  3. Back to School Drive.
  4. Participate in providing Safe Park dinners (January and August).
  5. Advocate for legislation that matters to you!


Support  Emeth Community Events  (Social, Holiday, or Festival): Do you love a once-a-year project?

  1. Join Social Events Committee.
  2. Coordinate Community Dinner/s (held approximately 4x annually).
  3. Help with Adult Purim Party.
  4. Help with Passover Seder.
  5. Help with Community Candle Lighting.
  6. Help with Progressive Dinner.
  7. Participate in a Tikkun Olam project.


Support  Worship /Shabbat Activities.

  1. Be a Shabbat Host: This is a wonderful way to honor a loved one on their Yahrzeit. Our "Shabbat in a Box" makes hosting easy (and you have the option to co-host). Contact
  2.  Join Ritual Committee.
  3. Set up the sanctuary for High Holidays.
  4. Usher for High Holidays.
  5. Chant from the Torah.
  6. Saturday morning services
  7. High Holidays
  8. Be a lay leader in Rabbi's absence.
  9. Provide lay cantorial support.


Our Building
Chair: Grant Gordon

  1. Join Building and Grounds Committee.
  2. Participate in quarterly maintenance days.
  3. Assist with weekly trash and recycling. (Note this is a great teen community service project.)
  4. Assist kitchen coordinator with routine maintenance tasks (ask what would be helpful).
Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785