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Hanukkah (alternately spelled  Chanukah), meaning "dedication" in Hebrew, refers to the joyous eight-day celebration during which Jews commemorate the victory of the Macabees over the armies of Syria in 165 B.C.E. and the subsequent liberation and "re-dedication" of the Temple in Jerusalem. Modern celebrations of Hanukkah focus on family and friends and include the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah (also called a hanukkiah), singing and playing special songs and games (dreidel), and eating foods prepared in oil including latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (donuts). Also called the Festival of Lights, the holiday brings light, joy, and warmth to our homes and communities as we celebrate with candles, food, family, and friends. Light comes literally, with the lighting of an additional candle each day, and metaphorically, through a newer emphasis on charitable donations and a commitment to tikkun olam (repairing the world) during the holiday. 

Hanukkah at Congregation Emeth

In past years, congregation families would share a potluck dinner in the synagogue social hall on the Friday night during Hanukkah, followed by everyone bringing their Hanukkiah (or menorahs, the nine-branched candelabra used during the celebration) to the front of the sanctuary and lighting the candles together before an Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) service. For more information about the events or other information about Congregation Emeth, please contact


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785